giovedì 20 gennaio 2022



This morning when I woke up I decided to go for a ride. The day was cold but very bright. I prepared my back-sack with some things and off I went. As I was riding I saw some fields with a thick frost on the grass. While I went towards the city I thought that today I would  be a turist. I parked the car and started walking in the main shopping streets, but I didn’t have any intention to buy. I noticed that some shops were closed and in the other shops no clients were inside.  As a turist I shot some photos. I strolled on the surrounding walls of the city and stopped to have a quick lunch on a bench in the park. In the meantime I looked around to admire the sight. Some people were running, a young mother sat her baby on the swing, and I saw a dog with a ball in its mouth. While I was biting my sandwich I fed some pigeons. One after the other came to pick the crumbs of bread that I threw near  to my feet.

    I enjoyed my day. I think that sometimes it’s worth to stay by ourselves, because it gives time to appreciate  simple moments of life.  


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